The Authors

The Authors

The Authors

Several key members of The Heritage Foundation as well as members of Trump's administration wrote Project 2025.

Several key members of The Heritage Foundation as well as members of Trump's administration wrote Project 2025.

Several key members of The Heritage Foundation as well as members of Trump's administration wrote Project 2025.

The Big Three

Paul Dans

Paul Dans

Paul is Director of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project at The Heritage Foundation. He served in the Trump Administration as Chief of Staff at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. He also worked on the Trump Campaign in Allegheny County, PA in the "war room" for the 2016 election.

Paul is Director of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project at The Heritage Foundation. He served in the Trump Administration as Chief of Staff at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. He also worked on the Trump Campaign in Allegheny County, PA in the "war room" for the 2016 election.

Part of Heritage Foundation

Worked for Trump

Spencer Chretien

Spencer Chretien

Spencer is Associate Director of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project at The Heritage Foundation. He was a Special Assistant to President Donald J. Trump and Associate Director of Presidential Personnel.

Spencer is Associate Director of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project at The Heritage Foundation. He was a Special Assistant to President Donald J. Trump and Associate Director of Presidential Personnel.

Part of Heritage Foundation

Worked for Trump

Troup Hemenway

Troup Hemenway

Troup is Associate Director for the 2025 Presidential Transition Project at The Heritage Foundation. He was an Associate Director for National Security in the Office of Presidential Personnel for Trump.

Troup is Associate Director for the 2025 Presidential Transition Project at The Heritage Foundation. He was an Associate Director for National Security in the Office of Presidential Personnel for Trump.

Part of Heritage Foundation

Worked for Trump

More Authors of P25

Kevin D. Roberts, PhD

Kevin D. Roberts, PhD

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Rick Dearborn

Rick Dearborn

Worked for Trump

Worked for Trump

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Russell Vought

Russell Vought

Worked for Trump

Worked for Trump

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Donald J. Devine

Donald J. Devine

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Dennis Kirk

Dennis Kirk

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Ken Cuccinelli

Ken Cuccinelli

Worked for Trump

Worked for Trump

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Kiron K. Skinner, PhD

Kiron K. Skinner, PhD

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Dustin Carmack

Dustin Carmack

Former Part of Heritage Foundation

Former HF

Mora Namdar

Mora Namdar

Worked for Trump

Worked for Trump

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Mike Gonzalez

Mike Gonzalez

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Max Primorac

Max Primorac

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Daren Bakst

Daren Bakst

Former Part of Heritage Foundation

Former HF

Bernard McNamee

Bernard McNamee

Worked for Trump

Worked for Trump

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Lindsey M. Burke, PhD

Lindsey M. Burke, PhD

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Mandy Gunasekara

Mandy Gunasekara

Worked for Trump

Worked for Trump

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Roger Severino

Roger Severino

Worked for Trump

Worked for Trump

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Ben Carson

Ben Carson

Worked for Trump

Worked for Trump

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

William Perry Pendley

William Perry Pendley

Worked for Trump

Worked for Trump

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Gene Hamilton

Gene Hamilton

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Jonathan Berry

Jonathan Berry

Worked for Trump

Worked for Trump

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Diana Furchtgott-Roth

Diana Furchtgott-Roth

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Brooks D. Tucker

Brooks D. Tucker

Worked for Trump

Worked for Trump

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Thomas Gilman

Thomas Gilman

Worked for Trump

Worked for Trump

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

William L. Walton

William L. Walton

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Stephen Moore

Stephen Moore

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

David R. Burton

David R. Burton

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Veronique de Rugy

Veronique de Rugy

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Jennifer Hazelton

Jennifer Hazelton

Worked for Trump

Worked for Trump

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Paul Winfree

Paul Winfree

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Karen Kerrigan

Karen Kerrigan

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Peter Navarro

Peter Navarro

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Kent Lassman

Kent Lassman

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Robert Bowes

Robert Bowes

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Brendan Carr

Brendan Carr

Worked for Trump

Worked for Trump

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Part of HF

Hans A. von Spakovsky

Hans A. von Spakovsky

Part of Heritage Foundation

Adam Candeub

Adam Candeub

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

Edwin J. Feulner

Edwin J. Feulner

Part of Heritage Foundation

Part of HF

The Project 2025 Advisory Board

This list is in alphabetical order.

This list is in alphabetical order.

This list is in alphabetical order.

Alabama Policy Institute
Alliance Defending Freedom
American Compass T
he American Conservative
America First Legal Foundation
American Accountability Foundation
American Center for Law and Justice
American Cornerstone Institute
American Council of Trustees and Alumni
American Legislative Exchange Council
The American Main Street Initiative American Moment
American Principles Project
Center for Equal Opportunity
Center for Family and Human Rights
Center for Immigration Studies
Center for Renewing America
Claremont Institute Coalition for a Prosperous America
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Conservative Partnership Institute
Concerned Women for America
Defense of Freedom Institute
Ethics and Public Policy Center
Family Policy Alliance
Family Research Council
First Liberty Institute
Forge Leadership Network

Alabama Policy Institute
Alliance Defending Freedom
American Compass T
he American Conservative
America First Legal Foundation
American Accountability Foundation
American Center for Law and Justice
American Cornerstone Institute
American Council of Trustees and Alumni
American Legislative Exchange Council
The American Main Street Initiative American Moment
American Principles Project
Center for Equal Opportunity
Center for Family and Human Rights
Center for Immigration Studies
Center for Renewing America
Claremont Institute Coalition for a Prosperous America
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Conservative Partnership Institute
Concerned Women for America
Defense of Freedom Institute
Ethics and Public Policy Center
Family Policy Alliance
Family Research Council
First Liberty Institute
Forge Leadership Network

Foundation for Defense of Democracies
Foundation for Government Accountability
The Heritage Foundation
Hillsdale College
Honest Elections Project
The Conservative Promise
Independent Women’s Forum
Institute for the American Worker
Institute for Energy Research
Institute for Women’s Health
Intercollegiate Studies
Institute James Madison
Institute Keystone Policy
The Leadership Institute
Liberty University
National Association of Scholars
National Center for Public Policy Research Pacific Research Institute
Patrick Henry College
Personnel Policy Operations
Recovery for America Now Foundation
1792 Exchange
Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America
Texas Public Policy Foundation
Teneo Network
Young America’s Foundation

Foundation for Defense of Democracies
Foundation for Government Accountability
The Heritage Foundation
Hillsdale College
Honest Elections Project
The Conservative Promise
Independent Women’s Forum
Institute for the American Worker
Institute for Energy Research
Institute for Women’s Health
Intercollegiate Studies
Institute James Madison
Institute Keystone Policy
The Leadership Institute
Liberty University
National Association of Scholars
National Center for Public Policy Research Pacific Research Institute
Patrick Henry College
Personnel Policy Operations
Recovery for America Now Foundation
1792 Exchange
Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America
Texas Public Policy Foundation
Teneo Network
Young America’s Foundation