Overview / Healthcare

Overview / Healthcare

Project 2025 Has Significant Impacts on Healthcare in the United States.

Here are the key changes and their potential negative effects on average Americans:

Here are the key changes and their potential negative effects on average Americans:


  1. New caps on federal funding, which would reduce coverage and benefits for low-income Americans, increase out of pocket costs, and cause people to lose their coverage.

  2. Allowing states to impose work requirements for recipients, which would cause people to lose coverage, increase administrative sots for states and recipients, and reduce access to preventive care and management for people with chronic conditions.

  3. Create time limits and lifetime caps, which would make people with long-term health problems lose their coverage, increase the financial strain on families dealing with serious illnesses, and create more uninsured people overall.

  1. New caps on federal funding, which would reduce coverage and benefits for low-income Americans, increase out of pocket costs, and cause people to lose their coverage.

  2. Allowing states to impose work requirements for recipients, which would cause people to lose coverage, increase administrative sots for states and recipients, and reduce access to preventive care and management for people with chronic conditions.

  3. Create time limits and lifetime caps, which would make people with long-term health problems lose their coverage, increase the financial strain on families dealing with serious illnesses, and create more uninsured people overall.

Affordable Care Act

  1. Repeal the Affordable Care Act, which would:

    1. Make millions of Americans lose healthcare coverage

    2. Allow companies to deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions

    3. Reduce subsidies, making healthcare coverage unaffordable for many Americans

  1. Repeal the Affordable Care Act, which would:

    1. Make millions of Americans lose healthcare coverage

    2. Allow companies to deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions

    3. Reduce subsidies, making healthcare coverage unaffordable for many Americans


  1. Make Medicare private, which would lead to:

    1. Reduced benefits

    2. Fewer options for coverage

    3. Higher costs for seniors

    4. Making the already super complication process even more difficult

  1. Make Medicare private, which would lead to:

    1. Reduced benefits

    2. Fewer options for coverage

    3. Higher costs for seniors

    4. Making the already super complication process even more difficult

Public Health

  1. Large budget cuts across federal agencies, which would:

    1. Decrease funding for medical research and disease prevention

    2. Decrease our ability to respond to public health emergencies (possibly causing another COVID-19-like epidemic)

    3. Cut programs that help lower socioeconomic groups of Americans

  1. Large budget cuts across federal agencies, which would:

    1. Decrease funding for medical research and disease prevention

    2. Decrease our ability to respond to public health emergencies (possibly causing another COVID-19-like epidemic)

    3. Cut programs that help lower socioeconomic groups of Americans

Reproductive Health

  1. Eliminate federal funding for organizations that provide contraception, family planning, and abortion services.

  2. Reduce access for reproductive healthcare for all Americans

  3. Increase the rates of unwanted pregnancies

  4. Increase maternal mortality rates, particularly in underserved communities.

  1. Eliminate federal funding for organizations that provide contraception, family planning, and abortion services.

  2. Reduce access for reproductive healthcare for all Americans

  3. Increase the rates of unwanted pregnancies

  4. Increase maternal mortality rates, particularly in underserved communities.

Mental Health

  1. Large cuts to mental health and substance abuse programs, which would lead to:

    1. Reduced access to treatment

    2. Increased strain on emergency service and police

    3. Higher rates of untreated mental illness and substance abuse disorders.

  1. Large cuts to mental health and substance abuse programs, which would lead to:

    1. Reduced access to treatment

    2. Increased strain on emergency service and police

    3. Higher rates of untreated mental illness and substance abuse disorders.